Corporate Governance
Comitetul de conducere |
Structura de guvernanță a maib se bazează pe cele mai bune practici și este construită în așa fel încât să protejeze interesele acționarilor minoritari |
Consiliul băncii include trei membri independenți, pentru a asigura protecția acționarilor minoritari. |
Comitetele de risc, audit și remunerare raportează direct Consiliului. |
BERD, un acționar de lungă durată, este dedicat promovării unei guvernanțe corporative bune în țările în care investește |
BERD a efectuat o evaluare a guvernanței în Moldova și activ promovează aderarea la practici corporative adecvate. |
Maib a luat în considerare ghidul IFI pentru guvernanța corporativă în crearea propriilor structuri de supervizare. |
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
- Nominates and evaluates candidates to the Supervisory Board and Management Board as well as to key holding positions
- Advises the Supervisory Board on the compensation system for the Supervisory and the Management Boards
- Supervises and evaluates the overall implementation of the remuneration Policy and the remuneration practices in the Bank
- Suggest to the AGM the remuneration principles/system and the expenses budget for the Supervisory Board
Shareholders (Annual General Meeting)
Supreme governing body
- Elects Supervisory Board members
- Approves chages to the Charter and capital
- Approves reorganization or any other significant change in the corporate structure
Supervisory board
- Supervisory board consists of 7 members, o/w three members are independent and two members represent the largest shareholder.
- Approves the Bank’s Strategy and supervises the activities of the Bank.
- Appoints the Management Board members.
- Elects external auditor of the Bank.
- Creates specialized Committee.
- Approves “large” exposers and transactions over 10% of the Bank’s assets.
Management Board
- Appointed by the Supervisory Board
- Consists of 7 members in total
- Among them - Chief Risk Officer (CRO)
External Auditor
- Current Auditor: PwC, 2 years
- Half-year reviews since 2022
Audit Committee
- Reports to the Supervisory Board
- Interacts with the External Auditor
- The Chairman of the Committee is an independent Supervisory Board member
Risks Committee
- Supports supervision of the Risk Management, Develops Appropriate Culture in the Bank and Compliance
- Supports Nomination and Remuneration Committee in evaluation of the remuneration practices applied in the Bank